If you are a runner, cyclist, swimmer or triathlete, this is the page for you.

All of our runners & triathletes go through an extensive evaluation process.
On the first visit, you will go through the traditional Chiropractic, Orthopedic and Neurological testing.
On subsequent visits, once the pain starts to subside, you will also go through a biomechanical video assessment of your walking and running. We must wait until the pain is minimal to video tape, otherwise the pain will cause compensations in your running form and alter your true running and walking patterns.
The goal of the video assessment is not to critique or teach technique. We are concerned with locating faults in your running or walking that may be causing your injury and locate limitations due to muscular imbalances. The final aspect of the evaluation process is a Functional Movement Screening. This screening will test your body in certain movements to determine any weakness, tightness and/or altered movement patterns. We then take the findings from the video and the functional movement screening and compare our results.
For example, we may find a hip drop on running form that indicates hip instability. Hip instability is a lead cause of many hip and knee over-use injuries in runners.
We will then look for any failed screening tests that indicate weakness of the hip stabilizers to see what may be causing the unstable hip. Please checkout our sample running analysis below to get an overall picture of this process. Our swimmer’s and cyclists go through the same evaluation process except for the video assessment. 

Over-Use Injuries

Most injuries related to running, biking and swimming are caused by repetitive strain to the area and fall under the category of Over-use injuries. We do treat many traumatic injuries such as falling off the bike or ankle sprains during running, but the majority of injuries fall under the Repetitive Injury Cycle. The main difference between treatment protocols for Over-use and Traumatic sports injuries, that don’t require surgery, is that Over-use injuries will require treatment and therapy for aspects of the body other than the injury site.

As stated earlier, many over-use injures are caused by dysfunctions in other aspects of the body which places excessive strain and stress on other parts of the body. The area of the body that the stress is placed on by the dysfunctions and the requirements of the sport, typically become the over-use injury site

Common Running, Cycling, Swimming Injuries Treated

  • Low Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Mid-back pain (cyclists)
  • Ankle Injuries
  • IT Band Syndrome (Runner’s knee)
  • Shin Splints
  • Calf Strains
  • Patellar Tendonitis
  • Handlebar Palsy
  • Swimmer’s Shoulder
  • A-C Joint Sprains
  • Hamstring Strains
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Hip Pain
  • Sciatica 

Running and Tri Groups Affiliations

  • Boca Raton Triathletes- Ironman Sponsor and Injury Prevention Consultant
  • Friends in Training: Injury Prevention Consultant
  • Try-A-Tri Group- Sponsor and Injury Prevention Consultant
  • American Cancer Society: Marathon Treatment Team
  • The Galloway Group: Guest speaker
  • TriDi Multisport Training
Download The Runner's Injury Prevention Program